Spring is finally here! Smoothies, juices, and salads are all tastier, more nutritious, and cheaper with fresh fruit and vegetables.
Here is a guide for your next trip to the grocery store this season.
Asparagus is very detoxifying and known for being a natural diuretic, which is great for the kidneys, liver, and skin. It is high in folate, fiber, and vitamins C and E. Asparagus is very versatile; you can roast it as a side dish, chop it and add it to your main dish, or puree it as soup!
Avocados contain a higher amount of healthy fats than any other fruit! The omega-3 fatty acids in avocados are great for cognitive function, hormonal balance, and blood sugar stability. They also have sufficient amount of iron, potassium, fiber and vitamin E. When purchasing, if you are planning to eat them right away, the darker and softer the better; if you are saving them up for later in the week, then look for firmer and lighter green avocados. They are tricky to pick during prime ripeness, but they are worth it! Try making homemade guacamole or an avocado chocolate mousse.
The powerful antioxidants that blueberries contain can both power the immune system and slow down the aging process. In addition to vitamin C, blueberries also contain notable amounts of B vitamins and fiber. Studies have shown blueberries beneficial for both improved eyesight and memory function.
Cauliflower rice, cauliflower pizza crust, frozen cauliflower smoothie bowls… it is everywhere right now, and with good reason! Cauliflower is relatively low calorie (and low carb!), but still manages to pack in high amounts of vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin B-6, magnesium, and fiber.
This citrus fruit will provide you with plentiful nutrients including vitamin A, vitamin C, biotin, and lycopene. Eating them whole or drinking freshly squeezed juice will help you reap the benefits!
Smoothies, juices, and salads across the board have incorporated kale over the past few years as it has grown to become one of the buzziest superfoods. Kale is a great source of vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, calcium, riboflavin, iron, and folate – just to name a few because there are many more vitamins and minerals! Go along with the trend and add some kale to your next salad or smoothie, or try making homemade kale chips.
This tasty tropical fruit is packed with over 20 vitamins and minerals including vitamin A, vitamin C, folate, iron, and fiber. Mangoes have been shown to boost immunity, lower cholesterol, and help maintain eye health due to these nutrients. When choosing mangos at the store, the ripeness is determined by the softness and green to yellow coloring, so plan accordingly with your anticipated consumption. Mangos are delicious on their own or in smoothies, but they also give a nice tropical flavor to any side or main dish you might be cooking up.
Mushrooms are a great source of protein, fiber, B vitamins, calcium, and selenium. These minerals make mushrooms great for protecting hair, nails, teeth, and bones, as well as lowering blood pressure and bad cholesterol levels. When purchasing, consider that the drier and firmer the mushrooms, the better. Add mushrooms to a stir-fry, sauté them as a side dish, or stack up a nice vegan portabella burger!
Peas are very rich in vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, iron, protein, and thiamine. Peas have been shown to help prevent osteoporosis. Many plant-based protein powders contain peas (like Sunwarrior's Vegan Protein), but they are also great to be eaten whole whether they are fresh or frozen.
Radishes are very common in salads, but that’s not all that they’re good for! They can also be roasted as a low-carb potato substitution, or pickled - they can be made into many other great side dishes beyond salads. Radishes are high in vitamin C, fiber, potassium, and folate. Radishes can help improve the immune system and are also very detoxifying to the liver and kidneys.
Strawberries are very high in antioxidants and contain high amounts of vitamin C, fiber, manganese, and potassium. They can help lower LDL cholesterol, and lower blood pressure. Look for the brighter red strawberries, and enjoy them by themselves, in a smoothie, or on top of oatmeal!